Though every foot is different, there are some general rules to vaguely stick to when deciding whether to buy a walking shoe or boot, however, there are some general factors to consider first such as the sort of walking you plan on doing.

If you’re doing more casual, lightweight walking, then a pair of walking shoes should do the trick. However, if you’re doing more intensive, longer-distance walking over challenging terrain, particularly when carrying a reasonable weight pack on your back, then walking boots are certainly the choice we would recommend. 

It doesn`t always have to be boots. walking shoes often have the same grip and underfoot protection, combined with a waterproof lining they are often a good choice for general walking in the outdoors. As soon as the days in the hills are longer, the terrain a little more rough or unstable and you are carrying a pack with more supplies then the added stability a boot brings is welcome.

If you’re still worried about choosing the wrong option for what you’re doing or you’d like to try some different options then we highly recommend taking advantage of our high quality free footwear fitting service by visiting one of our stores in Taunton, Bristol, or Exeter or using the online Expert help request to contact an experienced footwear fit member of our team.