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What are the advantages of using walking poles?
As well as effectively helping you balance when walking over rough terrain for longĀ  distances, here are the main advantages of using poles: They ar...
What is the difference between cannister and multi-fuel stoves?
When picking a stove it is important to take note of which supply of fuel and vessel type it attaches to. There are several varieties, but among our range o...
Are there any rules regarding the use of firepits?
Many areas have rules regarding the use of open fires and fire pits. When wild camping for example in places such as Dartmoor National Park and the Lake Dis...
What are the benefits of a candle lantern?
The UCO candle lantern has proven very popular since its first manufacture in the 1970s. For those who enjoy the light of a candle on their journeys into th...
What are lumens?
In simple terms, Lumens (denoted by lm) are a measure of the total amount of visible light (to the human eye) from a lamp or light source. The higher the lu...